But the best part of the weekend was when Rhett got to meet my grandmother, Grandma Dot. She has dementia so sometimes she prefers to stay in her own world, but when she saw Rhett she just lit up. She wanted him to sit on her lap, hold his hand, she smiled and laughed when he toddled around. I am so grateful for those moments of clarity.

Grandma Dot is an amazing woman. She was a nurse in WWII and received a Medal of Honor for her service. She was on Jeopardy, lived through the depression, and had literally hundreds of songs and poems memorized.
This is her on her wedding day. Isn't she spectacular?
Jake and I owe so much to her for helping us as we started married life. She gave us so much of her beautiful furniture when we got married because she was entering a retirement home. I am so grateful for these pieces for mulitple reasons. One, we got to start married life with real chairs and a table and furniture that made our apartment feel like a home, not a dorm. Two, her taste and style has influenced me to redo furniture and has helped me find my style. Here are two pieces that we have from her.
{ A half round }
{ A chest of drawers }
I love these pieces. They inspire me. I love the warm swirls in the wood of the half round and the hand detail in the drawers. I love the natural distressing and the stories it hints at.
So I want to ask you if you have pieces or items like this (not just furniture) and if you would let me do a post featuring them and their stories. If you are interested leave a comment below or email me for more information.
Thanks all!
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